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About Me?

A student at University of Indraprasta with a majoring of Computer Science and Distiction Graduate of Machine Learning Student at Bangkit Academy. Proificient at Server-Side Programming such as Creating RESTfulAPI, Databases Management, Unit Test, etc. Currently focusing on Express JS



Front End Tools

Have a deep understanding of fundamental frontend tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, to create interactive and responsive websites

React Framework

Have the skills to create a website using the React JS framework, and master various React functional features such as hooks, components, and others

Backend Server {Node.js}

Mastering backend server programming using Node JS, as well as various supporting libraries such as {Express, Session, Passport, EJS}, also mastering the use of get and request APIs

NoSQL Database {MongoDB}

Have an understanding of data storage and CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) databases that can connect to the backend server using the mongoose library


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